In our line of work (baby equipment rental) we’re always on the look out for great travel products. We test many, but very few make the final selection! We’re like the X-Factor of baby equipment. A travel buggy is a...
My mother used to drum into us the phrase” waste not, want not” as children. She used it to get us to finish our dinner, but the notion must’ve embedded itself deep in my psyche. I have a huge dislike...
I always try to follow the less-is-more approach to packing, but packing for a family holiday is an entirely different beast. There is so much stuff little people need. To start with, a ‘spare’ of everything for the ‘what if’...
If you don’t want to bring your good pram on holidays for fear of damage, or simply because it’s too big, what are your options? Should you hire one, or buy? Is it worth spending some money and getting a...
At Stork Exchange parents often call us with an all too familiar phrase, “the airline broke my pram. What should I do?” It’s an unfortunate fact that your buggy can be easily damaged or lost while in transit. Due to...