Nuna Trvl Lx + Nuna Pipa Urbn Infant Seat
The Nuna Travel System allows you to move from car to pram easily and without waking the baby! This is a dream option for parents on the move. The car seat has inbuilt isofix, so there’s no need to carry around an isofix base, but you have the safety of the isofix installation. The car seat clicks onto the pram frame, without the need for adaptors. It is a really great mobility option, that really is lightweight!
Pram also comes with cosy toes / sleeping bag and raincover for Ireland!
The Nuna Trvl Lx is a really luxurious pram. There are so many really cool features we’d be here all day. Here are a few that we love and think is relevant for our customers:
It’s very lightweight and easy to maneouver.
The collapse is super easy too and is freestanding when collapsed.
It fully reclines to a lie flat position so it’s great for snoozing in.
Shopping basket comes as standard!
Extendable UV50 hood, which can work as a snooze screen too!